Wednesday, 22 June 2016

File based MDS configuration SOA Jdevloper

Hi Guys, Today we are going with Steps for File Based MDS configurations.

STEP 1 :
Login to EM console.Expand SOA and right click on soa-infra and selcet Adminstration -->MDS configuration.


Click on Export button on MDS configuration screen and save it your local disk

unzip the folder soa_infra_metadata, 
you will see the 
apps folder. 
All your project related WSDlS,XSD,fault-policy.xml,fault-binding.xml etc will be inside the apps folder.


Now go to your C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\integration\seed folder in your system, or it could be any other location as well, based on your Installation directory.
The above path created automatically while you installed JDeveloper studio.


Copy and Paste apps folder, which you have got in from STEP 2.
Now its look like C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\integration\seed\

To use these schemas/wsdl etc in Jdeveloper we need to add some parameters in adf-config.xml under Application Resources.

Click on the adf-config.xml
Note:For each and every application it has his own adf-config.xml file persist.

Once opened the file need to add metadata-storage-usage_2 

          <namespace metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_1" path="/soa/shared"/>
          <namespace metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_2" path="/apps"/>
        <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_1">
              <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
              <property  name="metadata-path" value="${oracle.home}/integration"/>
              <property name="partition-name" value="seed"/>
        <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_2">
             <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
             <property name="metadata-path" value="C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\integration"/>
             <property name="partition-name" value="seed"/>

1. I have specify mstore_usage_2 path="/apps"-------because my all schemas   under that folder only.Incase ur schemas under apps folder only u can specify path like path="/apps"
     :Oher case if your schemas folder name is SOASchemas then u can specify path like

2.Metadata-Path value  must be C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\integration in real time scenarios
3.Patition-name valuse must be seed in real time scenarios.


STEP 6: 
To use a wsdl or any resource in your project use below reference. 

      <schema xmlns="">
         <import namespace="" schemaLocation="oramds:/apps/ApplicationComponents/BAM/LoggingBAM.xsd"/>


    Thats it guys. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Download directly to Unix/Linux from Internet/Oracle using WGET command

Hi Guys,

In this post, I will describe the process to directly download installers from to Unix Machines.
You may wonder, why a post on this topic. Its fairly easy, but sometimes we dont have Browsers in Linux machines. We only have the Terminal or Putty screens to work.
Here's the process, to download using putty.

1. Log in to Unix Machine using Putty.
2. Navigate to location, where you want download installers.
3. Now using any windows PC Chrome browser, Login to, Select your installer & Download it to PC. In Chrome Download tab, Right Click on Downloading file. Select 'Copy Link Address'.

The address will look something like below

This address is valid for few minutes only. Hence do all steps faster.

4. Prepare a command as below using this adrress, your username  password,

wget --http-password=xxxxx234a --no-check-certificate "" -O

5. Copy the above Command and Paste it to Putty screen. Hit enter, your download will start.
6. Repeat the same steps if there are multiple installers.

Thats it folks!

SOA - Using ora:getPreference() in BPEL process to get Environment specific Values

Hi Folks,

There are scenarios, when we have SOA Services (Composites), which uses Environment specific data in the transaction.
For Example - You have created Logging or BAM Service, which can be deployed across various Environments like Staging(Testing), Production. Now to identify the Transaction between various environment, you may need some sort of Identifiers. Like :

Environment Identifier
Development DEV
Test         TST
Production PRD

To achieve this, there could be multiple solutions. Here I am going to discuss one solution which uses function

The syntax of function is  :

Here 'environmentName' is variable name.

Steps of implementation:

STEP 1 : Use Assign Action in BPEL flow & add function ora:getPreference('environmentName') in required field.

STEP 2 :  Once your code is compiled & Deployed to Server, you need to set the value of this variable in EM console.

STEP 3 : Login to EM console. On the left go to : Farm_soa_domain > Weblogic Domain > soa_domain > right mouseclick and select ‘System MBean Browser’.

STEP 4 : Then Navigate to : Defined MBeans > oracle.soa.config > Server : soa_server1 > SCAComposite > your_project > SCAComposite.SCAComponent > your bpel_process.

STEP 5 : Change the Value, and Apply.

Thats all !