Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Download directly to Unix/Linux from Internet/Oracle using WGET command

Hi Guys,

In this post, I will describe the process to directly download installers from to Unix Machines.
You may wonder, why a post on this topic. Its fairly easy, but sometimes we dont have Browsers in Linux machines. We only have the Terminal or Putty screens to work.
Here's the process, to download using putty.

1. Log in to Unix Machine using Putty.
2. Navigate to location, where you want download installers.
3. Now using any windows PC Chrome browser, Login to, Select your installer & Download it to PC. In Chrome Download tab, Right Click on Downloading file. Select 'Copy Link Address'.

The address will look something like below

This address is valid for few minutes only. Hence do all steps faster.

4. Prepare a command as below using this adrress, your username  password,

wget --http-password=xxxxx234a --no-check-certificate "" -O

5. Copy the above Command and Paste it to Putty screen. Hit enter, your download will start.
6. Repeat the same steps if there are multiple installers.

Thats it folks!