Lets Start with Oracle ICS
The High Level Steps are :
1. Create Target Connection
2. Create Source Connection
3. Create Integration using Source and Target Connection, Create Mapping.
4. Activate your Integration.
Continue reading the Steps of this Post in Part 2 at below location
Login to Your ICS account at using your ICS credentials
Once you have successfully Logged In, Below screen will be shown
Create a Target Connection :
Step 1 :
Click on "Create Connections", You will see next Screen as Below
Step 2 :
Now Click on 'Create New Connection' at Right Hand Side of Page, This will take you to Connection creation Wizard.
Step 3 :
Select SOAP, since we are creating a connection to Target Service which is a SOAP Web service
Step 4 :
Provide name of this Connection, then click on Create button
Step 5 :
A screen like below will be visible.
Step 6 :
Now Click on 'Configure Connectivity'.
Step 7 :
New screen will ask you for WSDL file. Either upload a WSDL file from your Local machine or Provide a WSDL URL available on web.Then Click OK.
Step 8 :
Now Click on 'Configure Credentials' If you Target service is Secured then Provide Credentials. For this Demo, Target Service is not Secured hence I will choose 'No Security Policy' Then Click on OK.
Step 9 :
Now click on Save .
Step 10 :
Now Click on Test button, to test your target connection. If you have provided all details correctly. You will see a screen as below :
Step 11 :
Now Save all changes, and exit from connection. Your connection to Target is created.
Target Connection Name for this Demo is Demo_Airport_001.
A Screen Similar to below will be shown.
Create a Source Connection :
Now follow Same Step1 to Step 10, to Create a Connection for Source.
Only with a change at Step 4 - Give Different Name
E.g Demo_Airport_001_ Source
A screen similar to below should be seen.
Continue reading the Steps of this Post in Part 2 at below location
Integration using Oracle ICS - Source ( Webservice ) to Target (Webservice) Part 2